Saturday, September 28, 2013

Harvesting carrots from 4x8 square foot garden

My daughter is absolutely amused that we could pull carrots out of the ground in the backyard square foot garden. She loves little carrot sticks to snack on. I'm glad we are able to grow organic fruit and veggies in our backyard garden. She eats healthy, we save money, we have fun. It doesn't get any better.

Strawberries in the Pacific NW

Not sure what variety of strawberries I have but my one plant put out some delicious strawberries between July and August and set out enough runners that I have about eight starts for next season. The strawberries weren't very large, probably the size of cherry tomatoes. Here's a few pictures I took. My daughter absolutely loved them. We would go out in the backyard garden everyday to harvest two or three strawberries. We both can't wait til next year to pick up where we left off but with way more strawberries.